Power Fence

Basically, Electric fence also known as solar fence / Electric Security fence /Security fence / Power fence/Electro fence is divided into four major categories i.e. Agriculture fence, Forest fence, Security fence and High Security fence depending on its applications.

Agriculture fence

Fence is designed to protect agriculture crops from domestic and wild animals like Wild Boar, Monkeys, Cows, Buffaloes, Gaur and Daisy etc. Fence design shall be exclusively to meet the targeted animal(s) installed around the crop using existing posts. Posts can be Wooden, RCC, Stone, etc. duly grouted on the ground to carry fence strands along the perimeter. Total number of strands, gap between stands height of the fence shall be designed based on the targeted animal(s).

Forest Fence

Fence is designed to protect villages located in the forest or nearby forest areas. Main threat to the villagers shall be from wild Elephants and Bears. In general, the fence shall consist of 5 strands from ground level with fence height of about 6 feet. Recommended posts for the fence construction shall be MS galvanized of 8.5 feet length. Fence may also have elephant capping to protect metal posts from wild elephants.

Security Fence

Security Fence is designed to keep out predators, thieves, trespassers and vandals. Major applications shall be to protect Residences, Godowns Manufacturing units, Gated Communities, Police Stations, Schools & Colleges etc., from any intrusion. System will not only detect but also deny intrusion by giving a short, sharp and safe shock to the intruder. It consists of minimum 10 strands on wall top (in general) and minimum number of Powering units. Powering unit shall consist of Single channel Energizer, Alarm unit, Charger, Battery, Metal enclosure and Neon tester.
Maximum length that can be covered using a Powering unit is 12000 running meters. Gate can also be electrified without causing any inconvenience to the users. It denies entry by climbing the gate. System shall raise an alarm upon: Tampering, cutting of strands, shorting of live and ground strands, Climbing fence with the help of heavy-duty insulation, Battery low, Unauthorized switching off Energizer etc. When properly designed and installed, a security fence is the least expensive, safest, and most secure method for securing property and lives when compared to walls, other types of fences, human guards and watchdogs. A well-designed electric fence has more deterrence value than a guard with a sawed-off shotgun or a snarling pit bull.

High-security fence

Advanced version of Security fence can be considered as High-security fence. It is designed to protect premises from all types of intrusions and make the perimeter a fool proof system. This is achieved through a PC based Central Control Room which will be controlling as well as monitoring all the Powering units installed in the premises. Control room operates on specially designed alarm management software. Entire perimeter is divided into zones depending on the level of security required. Zone length shall vary from 200 meters to 500 meters. Every powering unit will have a Dual channel Energizer, Alarm unit, Field Controller, Charger, Battery, Metallic enclosure and Digital Voltmeter. Depending on the requirement every gate can be treated as a separate zone or it can be a part of a zone. Field controller monitors the operation and intrusion of a specified zone(s) and communicated with control room located at a distance. Any cutting of cable will immediately trigger alarm at Control Room indication zone on the PC screen. Graphical representation of the perimeter is depicted on the PC with zones marked on it. Any tampering will be indicated real time with CCTV popup.

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